In the US, there are many oil wells that are no longer in operation and where the owners have gone bankrupt or for other reasons no longer take responsibility for what happens to it. This can cause methane to leak out. Something that, in addition to contributing to...
A material with the ability to absorb the two different toxic heavy metals arsenic and chromium have been discovered by ORNL’s Santa Jansone-Popova of the Chemical Sciences Division, and Ping Li, both from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National...
In California, solar panels are to be put over the state's irrigation canals in order to fight the drought. This project took inspiration from a research paper released in 2021 where scientists at the University of California Santa Cruz figured out that putting...
At the University of Cambridge, researchers have designed a leaf that uses solar technology to transform light into fuel. Thanks to the leaves being just one millimeter thick, it can float on water. According to the study lead professor Erwin Reisner these leaves...
With 165 200-meter high wind turbines, Hornsea 2 is the largest wind farm ever built, the BBC reports.The wind turbines are located in the sea off Yorkshire in the UK and generate enough energy to supply 1.3 million homes with all the electricity they need.Although,...
Wayout has created a micro-factory, that can be plugged in anywhere in the world, and produce clear water. Last year they entered a partnership with Alfa Laval, and together opened a pop-up showroom in Dubai. A single Wayout system can supply 3,000 people with clean...