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Premium: 🌏 China will not dominate the world unless it becomes a democracy
Several times I’ve talked to people returning from a trip to China and they are very impressed – and worried. Often the story goes something like this:”Our Chinese hosts told us they had studied a new green and efficient way to build cities in country X....
Premium: ⤴️ The Warp Effect curves humanity’s progress
If you would be the only person having a phone it would be pretty useless. No one to call. If one more person has a phone you can call each other. When a third person gets a phone, the total number of connections is three. A can call B and C, and B can call C.When a...
Premium: 🧠 Neuralink is the next natural step for humanity
“…humankind has created itself with the use of technology.”In his book, One Planet is Enough, Rune Westergård, the founder of Citec and a WIP ambassador, paints a picture of some of our ancestors millions of years ago using a stone to crack bones to get to the...
WIP: 🧮 Facit and the peril of not understanding the future
Åtvidaberg is a tiny Swedish town with 7,000 inhabitants. In the summer of 1966 Edson Arantes do Nascimento walked the streets of Åtvidaberg. Better known as Pelé, by many regarded as the best football player of all time. The Brazilian national football team had their...