π‘ Optimist’s Edge

π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Food from air
📉 What people thinkWhat if the air you breathe could be turned into food? No, the public isn’t quite having it. As many as 84.5% replied they don’t think that’s possible. Are you also one of the naysayers?Then you’re in for a...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Africa’s fast track to prosperity
📉 What people thinkIn the Warp News survey, more than four out of ten believe that the highest percentage of entrepreneurs is found in North America. Only one in ten believed in the correct option, Africa.Across Africa, 22 percent of the working-age population...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Satellite mapping of greenhouse gases helps us stop climate change
📉 What people thinkAlmost two-thirds (65 percent) do not believe that space technology can help us solve the problem of climate change, according to a survey by Warp News.502 respondents via Google Surveys.📈 Here are the factsSatellites can help us...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Trees and agriculture can be combined
📉 What people thinkWe are used to associating agriculture with open fields. Everything from historical forms of swidden burning to the logging of the Amazon. There are many examples of how trees and forests have been removed to prepare land for the production...