π‘ Optimist’s Edge

π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Fruit and vegetables without plastic
📉 What people think76 percent are wrong about how much fruit and vegetables are thrown away worldwide. It is almost half, 45 percent, that is thrown away.📈 Here are the factsPlastic has long been debated as protection for fruit and vegetables. In...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Meditate to improve our overall well-being
Meditation has been an integral part of many Eastern religions and philosophies for many centuries. Traditionally it's used to achieve greater mastery of the activities of the mind so it can focus better on a single concept and become absolutely...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Dangerous with less screen time?
📉 What people thinkA large number of books, articles, television features, and lectures are produced that warn against screen time. Digital screen use has been linked to obesity, depression, antisocial behavior, lack of sleep, and concentration difficulties.In...
π‘ Optimist’s Edge: Moving out of the cities to revolutionize your lifestyle
📉 What people thinkWe asked people: If you could choose freely, where would you live? The most popular choice is "in the countryside, near a city" with 43 percent, followed by "in a small city" with 23 percent. In fourth and last place...