🥇 Gitanjali Rao – born 2005 – named Kid of the Year by Time Magazine

♻️ Green Tech

📱 An app that plants trees

📱 An app that plants trees

Ant Forest launched in 2016 and since then over half a billion people have used the app. It basically converts activities with a low-carbon impact, like for example walking/cycling to work, into real trees. How does the app work? Every time a user makes a low-carbon...
🚰 MyH20 turns data into drinking water

🚰 MyH20 turns data into drinking water

In rural China, drinking a glass of water isn’t a certainty. About 50% of the country’s shallow groundwater is polluted due to agricultural runoff and chemical waste from factories. But thanks to Xiaoyuan “Charlene” Ren it is now easier to know if the water is...

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