πŸ’‘ Warp News Newsletter #115

by Jan 4, 2022Newsletter

💡 Warp News Newsletter #115

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We think there is far too much negative news in the news media. Therefore, it is great when these news media hosts us so we can balance the picture.

💡 Warp News Newsletter #115

Our editor-in-chief, Magnus Aschan, was a guest at SVT's morning show (national Swedish Public TV) to present five optimistic news from the past year.
If you are from Sweden you can watch it here.

This is possible thanks to our paying members, the Premium Supporters.

Now we have an offer with one year of membership for only $30 (usually $100/year). That's our lowest price ever!

If you become a Premium Supporter you help our mission of spreading fact-based optimism.
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Mathias Sundin
Co-founder of Warp News
Executive Chairman of the Warp Institute Foundation

💡 Warp News Newsletter #115
To the offer!

💡6 things that give you an Edge to know about 2021

💡 Warp News Newsletter #115

2021 is coming to an end. How has the year been? Some state that they've become more pessimistic, while others have become more optimistic. Warp wants to give even more people hope for the future and insights about all the great things that are happening. Read on to find out why.

💡6 things that give you an Edge to know about 2021

The article is exclusive to our Premium Supporters. In a minute you can register and get immediate access to it.

Check out Premium Supporter!

☀️ Warp your meetings in 2022 if you want to get more creative

💡 Warp News Newsletter #115

To "warp a meeting" means that for a while you only think about possibilities. Problems and obstacles are addressed later. This we have noticed creates more ideas and makes us more eager to realize them.

👉 Read this Premium Supporter article on Warp News.

💡 Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🛰 Military project brings us closer to space-based solar energy

The United States military wants to improve mobility and reduce vulnerability in war zones. This desire could be of great importance to the green transition.

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🍒 Laser scanning shows where you can find the most lingonberries and blueberries in the forest

A new calculation model can predict how many berries there are in different parts of the forest.

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☀️ Renewable energy sources are expanding faster than ever

The amount of renewable electricity that was built in the world this year corresponds to 300 nuclear reactors.

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☀️ NASA's Parker probe has penetrated the solar atmosphere

Touching the sun might be a metaphore for hubris, but that's basically what the Parker Solar Probe just did.

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🛰 Satellites can measure the carbon emissions of each country

A new satellite is to be able to measure emissions down to the city level and also be able to distinguish between emissions caused by human activities and those that come from natural processes and good support from the local population have given results to the jaguars in Mexico.

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👨‍🚀 ESA resolution aims to put Europe at the forefront of space efforts

Retrieving samples from the moons of our solar system's gas giants, gaining the ability to launch astronauts in space and tackling climate changes. These are the goals that will return Europe to the forefront of space. At least according to a recent ESA manifesto.

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🚘 Smart roads to revolutionize travel

Within the European C-Roads project, technologies for intelligent transport are being tested in Italy on the A22 highway: autonomous driving systems and data communication vehicle-to-vehicle and to infrastructure

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🚽 Researchers in Africa turn urine into fertilizer

In Africa, there's an urge to grow organic crops. Simultaneously, improperly disposed urine contaminates the soil and drinking water. Innovative researchers have come up with Liquid Gold, a solution to both issues.

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🏎 Toyota announce bold electric strategy: 30 EV's to launch before 2030

The largest car manufacturer in the world has previously expressed scepticism towards EV's. In an unprecedented move, they've announced that they'll ad 30 EV's to their range by 2030.

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☀️ Towards self-sufficiency in electric mobility with Solar Cars

Time has come to move beyond the traditional model of electric car charging from the grid. Lightyear One plans to deliver the first high-range – potentially self-sufficient – solar car next summer.

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💡 African AI software to help executives with advice

South Africa has developed an innovative AI that helps businesses better understand their needs and opportunities.

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🚗New AI technology provides safer self-driving cars

By giving AI a little more "common sense", an international research team wants to give us self-driving cars that can better predict what will happen in traffic.

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