🌊 Tides offer renewable energy

by May 22, 2022⚑️ Energy

🌊 Tides offer renewable energy

Renewable energy is in constant demand. Now, a new tidal energy project is being constructed on Holy Island outside of Anglesey, Northwest Wales. The project is called the Morlais tidal energy project and aims to create energy from one of the most untapped and overlooked methods to create renewable energy.

For countries with lots of coastlines, like the United Kingdom, tidal energy presents an enormous opportunity to generate renewable energy. The Morlais project was granted £31 million (almost $40 million) in funding from The European Union’s regional funding program. The money will go to the construction of the tidal energy turbines that will occupy over 13 square miles of seabed. Once in full use, this new system can power more than 180 000 Welsh homes.

“We have strong tidal resources around Wales and they have huge potential,” said Gerallt Llewelyn Jones, a director of Morlais Energy to The Guardian.

According to Jones, tidal energy can be even more reliable than wind or solar power.  

Optimist Daily explains that “there are a few different types of tidal turbines that use the passing water of the tides to turn rotor blades and generate energy. A horizontal axis turbine resembles a wind turbine with rotor blades. A vertical axis turbine has two-sided fans which spin on a vertical axis like a weathervane.”

Not only is tidal power green energy, it can also turn into a revolutionary and massive industry creating thousands of new jobs. The west coast of Britain has one of the largest tidal areas in the world, making this an awesome opportunity.

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🌊 Tides offer renewable energy

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