India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi travelled to the Kutch region of the western Gujarat state two weeks ago to lay down the first foundation stone. The park will help India decrease its carbon dioxide emission by up to 50 million tons annually.
In the hybrid renewable energy park, there will be solar panels, solar energy storage units and windmills. In Prime Minister Modis PM, he wrote:
“The hybrid renewable energy park will be the largest in the world and generate 30,000 megawatts of power.”
This massive energy park will account for a large amount of India’s impressive goal of generating 175 GW in renewable energy by 2022 and 450 GW by 2030.
The energy park is part of a bigger project including a desalination plant providing water for people living in the dryer regions of the country. Interesting Engineering wrote:
“The desalination plant will be built to process 26.4 million gallons (100 million litres) of water every day, which will help approximately 800,000 people living in the dry region.”
It will be interesting to follow India’s journey to build this massive hybrid renewable energy park on the path towards the country’s profound goal for renewable energy.