☀️ Solar panel driveways may soon be powering households with clean electricity

by Apr 14, 2020Energy, Innovation

☀️ Solar panel driveways may soon be powering households with clean electricity

The Budapest-based company, Platio Solar has several developments in the works for clean energy technology.  One of its latest is a residential solar paneled driveway made out of recycled plastic bottles.

They announced that their solar system is the first way to generate power from the pavement of a residential home.

Each “Platio Solar Paver” is made from 400 PET bottles (which stands for polyethylene terephthalate) that comprise of of the most common forms of consumer plastic. Compressed into pavers, the material becomes more durable than concrete while still being non-slip and sustainable.

☀️ Solar panel driveways may soon be powering households with clean electricity
Image from Platio Solar

The system can be used to generate electricity for a residential household, or power an electric car. According to the company’s website, a 20-square-meter (215-square-foot) Platio driveway system has the capacity to cover the yearly energy consumption of an average household.

The company is now offering resell opportunities and installation quotes for their driveway systems available in brown, blue, red, and green designs.

Platio solar also has planned solutions for business, marinas, and even smart cities.

According to their website, the project has received funding from the Europeon Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

Platio currently has resellers in various parts of the world and you can contact them for installation quotes as well.

Check out this awesome demonstration video.

Source information: https://platiosolar.com/

Featured Image Credit: https://platiosolar.com/

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